Give & Join

Many ways to contribute!
Help us continue to preserve the legacy of those who served so that they are never forgotten.

Your generosity helps in our mission

Your generous gift and volunteering helps support our mission at the Lane Victory Maritime Center in many different ways, by joining us to work on the vessel, by becoming a member, by donating financially, and through various more ways to get involved and become part of our vibrant community. 

SS Lane Victory duotone Green DONATING | Give & Join | Lane Victory Maritime Center
SS Lane Victory Donate icon | Give & Join | Lane Victory Maritime Center


With many options for planned giving, and artifact donation.

SS Lane Victory duotone Green VOLUNTEERING | Give & Join | Lane Victory Maritime Center
SS Lane Victory Vonlunteer Crew icon | Give & Join | Lane Victory Maritime Center


Contribute purposeful time, join our amazing volunteer crew! 

Donate Instantly, Easily!

You can make a simple one-time donation, or choose to donate any monthly sum of your choice to fund the project(s) that mean the most to you. It's easy, just click below and follow the steps on our PayPal page!

501(c)(3) non-profit organization

The Lane Victory Maritime Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that does not receive government funding for operations and is solely supported by donations (cash, in-kind, stock, bequests), volunteers, and tourism related revenue. The Lane Victory Maritime Center is responsible for the SS Lane Victory.